“Thank You” Letters – December 6th, 2010

The new year is just weeks away! If you’re in the market for a new car, consider donating your old car to Songs of Love! By donating your car, you are helping us fund many songs for sick children all over the world. A car donation goes a long way, as it costs us $250 to write, record and produce an original, personalized songs for a child dealing with a life-threatening or chronic illness. If you’re still not sure if you should donate your car, please read the letter below from the family of one of the thousands of children we have helped over the past 14 years. Best of all, your car donation is tax-deductible!

I just wanted to thank everyone there for making the song of love song for Jacob Covil. He loves it and so does his little sisters of course since they are named in it. They all dance around like crazy. It is such a beautiful song everytime I listen to it I tear up. Thank you for making our rough times special with this CD. I can’t not tell you how thankful I am.
Thank you!
The Covil Family