“Thank You” Letters – February 2nd, 2011

Today’s thank you letter is especially timely and really pulled at our heart strings here at the Songs of Love office. We are absolutely thrilled to have the privilege to share this letter with you from a family who received their song a few short weeks ago. They tell their story about their young son, and we had the exciting opportunity to tell his story to him and be part of a sweet, heart-warming family moment. As we’ve said before, moments like these are really possible because of people like you! Your car donation and cash donations have supported us over the years. Please consider spreading the word about our charity!

Dear Becky, Nathan, and the entire “Songs of Love” team,
Over the weekend we received the song you wrote for our son, Collin. I am at a complete loss of words to adequately describe how touched, moved with emotion, and delighted we were by the beautiful song you wrote. I never imagined the song would be so perfect – from the lovely flow of lyrics, to the beautiful instrumentation and melody, to Becky’s gorgeous voice – it is truely a masterpiece! We already have the song on constant repeat and every time we listen to it, it fills us all with such happiness. Although Collin is still too young to understand what a special gift this is, I can promise you that he recongizes the joy the song has brought to his parents. Collin’s life has been plagued with hardships that no infant should ever have to cope with and it has been particularly difficult on my husband and me. This song will always provide us with solace and comfort as we continue to endure future medical challenges with our sweet baby boy. Becky, please know how grateful we are that you so generously shared such a special talent and gift with us.
Many thanks and we will always remember and cherish this special gift,
Kathy, Tony, and Collin Broughton

Remember, a car donation or a cash donation goes a long way in sustaining our work to bring joy and comfort to the sick kids out there!